Bargaining with my love]]
I'm trying to control my ass.
asshole: oouh guys... dun expand...! no contraction.
shit: oh ass...lemme out fcuk.
asshole: just fart just fart.
I uploaded those NDP preview pix, and some of the esplanade 'fireworks' on Chaos day baby! Some pictures may irritate eyes and puke. If you see any uglee pictures of me, that wasn't me okai. There's like alort of blur images because i am still blur on how to operate this digicam. They have like so many scene to choose!
Mom was pissed at me. She threw comb and her book at me. I was dumbfounded, still it doesn't hurt. All along i was thinking of cupcake. Went to have dinner. Mom went "You don't eat!" She kept the chickens OK!!! But i had veggies instead. Good for shitting. Then, i went to eat the whole of the mango to myself. She went "All you do is eat only!!" Me, "free what! nothing to do so i eat arh". See, she's not mad at me anymore. I'm her little clown. Trust me. She told me to buy honeydew yesterday, but i purposely bought mangoes!! Let her be larr.. she don't want mangoes, i shall give them to ash. ASH WANT MANGOES??? kinkyness. My right arm is ugly now. Because of this blue-black. My dirty cupcake loves bullying me.
Lets talk about chaos day a.k.a 9th August.
Went for lunch at harboufront with sis,bro and my niece. Niece is only 10months and she can climb up the stairs alright. Yadayada they went to do their prayers, and i roamed around the graveyard there. I didn't went in, just peeked from below. Finally

ended up waiting for them in the car. Off went brickworks? I can't get the right spelling alright. Its near queenstown, somewhere there. I used to cycle around there. Etc yada. And pweety cupcake was kinda moody cos of her family members i think. Decided to bring her to the park for some fresh air. Instead, invited her to the esplanade to watch fireworks! Fetched her, walked her home too.Whee. Alright larrr lazy to type. So mundane. I know my entry is like hanging somewhere. Don't care larr.. don't need to go into details. OH, i bumped into bracey "wife". Gotta hug!! =) Yeah yeah i know you haven't divorce me yet.
When everything seems to get outta control,
all i do is to just dream of you.
i can just smile stupidly to myself the whole day,
admiring how adorable you are.
stealing glances when you're unaware of,
that puzzled look on your face,
when you didn't catch those little jokes.=))))))

My EMO NIECE! imma proud auntie. Wait, she's kinda evil. I mean.. KINDA.
I'm off to read my torey hayden. Bought it like almost two months, i've read only 15pages. I shall relate the stories to you guys soon. In the meantime, do your thing baby! Hitler loves you. Together we kill the jews and smother that secondholocaust guy! Together lets drink booze and smoke our lungs awayyyy... YEEE HAW!! -smokes pipe-