Make me feel like the one.
Hello!! Haha. I'm happy today. Ash & zie is here. =) Ash & i slept at 7am. Our sleepover session. Watched hellboy but i fell asleep halfway. Walked to 711 to grab instant noodle. Then it was 6am and we were so bored. Took bro's car key and chilled in there! =) Played by fav song by garbage-when i grow up. I miss listening to that song.
15mins to 11, zie called. Blablabla and here she is and here we are. Ok that's lame. Had pizza for brunch. Ordered 4boxes. Haha and we're full. I feel like fagging. Nvm, save for tmr instead. Lols.
Not been updating cos been busy with work. Argh shit this week i work for 5days? or 6? I don't know man. I got fun colleagues so that's how i cope with work. I hate working at OB with this bloody old auntie. She made me like slave. Had to cut and peel 20 kiwis, cut and peel orange those sunkist ones 20 of them, cut carrots, mop, sweep etc. Those shitty stuff my mom never asked me to.Go to the bank too grocery shopping. I don't know there's many kinds of tomatoes. So i bought the most expensive one. 6 tomatoes cost $6.76! HA. And that shitass screamed at me "WHY YOU BUY THIS?!!! OH MY GOD!!" I said "hello you never tell me what kind of tomato ok!" I said nicely. Then got this once, i was cutting pineapple with a bloody blunt knife heck she should have just give me a pair of scissors to cut it with man. Cos of that, i accidentally cut my fingers. Alright back to the customer. She called me and ordered me to make 2 lemon! So i made two. Gave it to the customer, he said he ordered only one. That shitass scolded me "I said one why u make 2? If nobody buy, you pay!" I replied nicely "you said two ok" We debated. Then i couldn't stand her anymore i yelled at her infront of the customers "YOU SAID TWO OK!!!" Now she knows how it feels to be embarassed. Bloody hell embarassed me. Nevermind, if anything goes wrong, i always have supporters. The whole of OJ hates her. Yeah yeah the manager can just fire her.
Oh i need to thanks steph and sharilyn for helping me to pick bananas and tomatoes! Haha.
I'm too lazy to write about work. Its just that after work i get so tired and cranky, i don't feel like replying sms-es and return calls. Sorry guys.
Tmr working again. Oh yeay sis got me a MotoRazr! Pink one. Wheee flaunt it flaunt it. So what if its pink? All i know i'm just a happy faggot. =) I enjoy working. And my outlet is like so poop. Haha only insider's secrets. Adios!