No one can catch me like you do..
[This entry is supposed to be on 19thjune.]
This has been a rollercoaster ride. A whirlwind of mixed emotions & feelings. Though some nights may seem too painful to sleep. I always know there's someone who will stand by me through thick and thin.
There were just some days, i hated you so much and by throwing you into a machine shredder is of course a way to cure it,
literally speaking.Or were some days, i miss you like hell i could even grief for you. For all the times, we fought like mad, screaming at each other till our lungs out, the slamming of the phone. My bitchy attitude, your crying(which sometimes is just crocodile tears.
yeay i know hunny.) Guess what, we're still here.
I believe when two hearts connected, distance is not a barrier. Love has no boundaries and physical presence doesn't matter. Its all configured by the heart.
Thou we almost gave up along the way, we managed to pick up the pieces and put them together. Funny that we always have this huge fights when anniversary is drawing nearer. It is always the infidelity, the small little things, the petty fights. Love is about being forgiving and accepting the imperfection of a person and mirrors it as perfect .
I've seen the best and the worst side of you, hunny. We calling each other names, and making stupid remarks like "you're ugly today. don't walk with me. lets pretend we're friends" or my unpunctual habits, your childish attitude, your boyish ways.
Love wouldn't be this great without its ups and downs. The midnight calls, which of course, i ended up snoring away. The midnight visits to your place just to have a short rendezvous. Rushing to your place at 2am just to check on your fever. Losing our way together and ended up wandering about. The nights when you couldn't come down, and all we did is me standing at your void-deck and talking to each other on the phone while you gazing outta window. Those times when you're too mad at me and threw stuff at me. Which of course, i still believe you might throw your television set one day too at me. The infidelity when i oggle at your sister. Haha. I was just joking, i didn't like her. Well, MAYBE. OOOH OOOH.(ok tats so outs) You losing your wallet at that cursed toa payoh, and the next moment when i turned to talk to you, you're nowhere to be found. Actually, i didn't know you can run like the speed of light(mere exaggeration). Midnight supper at bt timah & missing the last train. I'm sorry i left you behind! Our childish-ness eating yummy gummy, you having marshmellow bonanza, and me playing with the worm-like candy. The dinings (signed beside the total price). Celebrating national day together, my birthday, hari-raya bazaar, Xmas, New Year, V'dae.
Pss..we lending each other money and never return. You changing my friendster profile secretly.The pinchings and beatings from you, they're all WORTH IT.
Pict taken 9months ago;


i love u.